Monday 2 September 2013

Poll Results - August

The results are now officially in! Over the course of August Pixar Central has run three polls to determine: 
  • your favourite Pixar feature film
  • your favourite member of Oozma Kapa
  • the character you're looking forward to most in Frozen
We have three new polls. Vote now on the homepage!   
Pixar Poll - What is your favourite Pixar feature film? 
This was actually a tie. The three winners were:
  • Wall-E
  • Up
  • Toy Story 3
The Incredibles, Brave and Toy Story all tied for second place, with an equal amount of votes. 
I didn't expect a definitive result on this one. It's a very tough call, especially for a Pixar fan, so I'm not surprised at the tie, although I'm surprised that neither Monsters Inc. or Toy Story 2 got no votes!
My vote: Toy Story 3.

Current Film Poll - Who is your favourite member of Oozma Kappa?

Just one winner here, although it was a close one!
Mike Wazowski won (unsurprisingly), with Squishy one vote behind in second and Sulley and Art tying for third place with the same amount of votes.
This was pretty predictable. Mike is one of the funniest characters in both Monsters films and he provides much of the heart of Monsters University. Although I'm surprised no one at all voted for the bumbling president of Oozma Kappa, Don.
My vote: Squishy.

Disney Poll - Which character are you most excited to see in Frozen?
This one was a landslide.
Elsa was the winner, probably because of the mystery surrounding her. We've seen very little of her in the marketing for Frozen so far. 
Second was Olaf, closely followed by Anna and Hans in a tie for third place.
My vote: Olaf.

Vote now in our three new polls:
Pixar Poll: Which Pixar film should get a sequel?
Current Film Poll: Favourite event from the Scare Games?
Disney Poll: Favourite Disney Princess?


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