It's taken them a while, but Disney have finally released proper posters for Frozen. And, it appears, that instead of a trickle of new stuff, they've bombarded us with a fantastic amount of posters, most of which feature Olaf and Sven - which has caused a suitable amount of furore as you probably know - and everything is pulling itself together. I loved the majority of them, but my favourite has to be the one below. It features all the characters, giving Anna and Elsa equal prominence to Olaf. It looks to be a diverse set of characters, that's for sure.
However, today, we got our TRAILER. Finally, we get to see some proper story bits, lots more of Anna and Hans and a suitable glimpse of Elsa.
It's simply a nice trailer. Not groundbreaking from first glance (IMO) but it looks very funny and I suspect there will be a handful of moving moments. Moreover, we get to see a lot less of Olaf and Sven and a lot more of Anna, Elsa and Hans. Now, don't label me as an Olaf hater (I love the little guy), I just wanted to see more of Anna and particularly Elsa, she looks incredible.
I have liked the characters since the start. Anna and Elsa look to be exciting and likeable leads and I think Olaf will provide suitable comic relief (although I hope he isn't hideously overused). We also get a bit of Marshmallow (whose design is inspired) - which provides a fantastically quotable line from Anna "It is not nice to throw snow people!" - and even a small look at Oaken, who made me laugh even from his blink-and-you'll-miss-it appearance.
This looks to be one of the gems of Disney's latest reemergence. A pleasing fact, considering the quality of Disney's latest releases. I do think however that it will meet its critics when it comes to humour. I can imagine some of the humour in the trailer not being greeted too warmly with some people *cough* Armond White *cough*. I found it funny and droll and I'm sure kids will adore the humour, which is why Olaf is spearheading the marketing. You can't really blame Disney for that. Frozen has a lot of potential and (especially in the US) it could prove to be a big hit at the box office. I think they have some great characters in their hands here - Olaf will be adored and Anna and Elsa will make solid entries into the Disney Princess pantheon.
So, roll on December 6th!