Top 20 Pixar Characters
watching and reviewing all 14 Pixar films, I compiled a list of MY
favourite characters at the minute, they change quite regularly, so
check back for updates.
Squishy has leapt in at number 14, knocking Luigi off the list.
Squishy has leapt in at number 14, knocking Luigi off the list.
though she was absent from the first film, Mrs Potato Head's thick New
York accent won me over as soon as we were introduced to her in Toy
Story 2. "Where's my other eye?" Was one of the few lines she said
during Toy Story 3, but in the end, her clumsiness helped some of the
most loved characters in cinema history get back home in one place.
reminds me of myself. His blunt sarcasm cues a large amount of the
adult laughs during the Toy Story trilogy. "Wait, nobody look until I
get my cork back in!" What a line! One of my highlights of the second
movie. Another thing that makes this character extra special is the
vocal talents of John Ratzenburger. The Pixar good luck charm really
hits Hamm home.
18. Mr Potato Head - Toy Story, Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3.
basically Hamm's sarcastic twin. He's also the polar opposite of Mrs
Potato Head, but THAT is what makes them work. His bushy plastic
moustache and black trilby hat make him stand out amongst the other
toys, along with his loud persona. Undoubtedly my favourite Mr Potato
Head moment is at the end of Toy Story 3. "You saved our lives! And we
are eternally grateful." The aliens are finally re payed. However, his
crowning moment is when he is forced to turn into Mr Tortilla/Cucumber.
Sheer genius.
love the three little nightmares that steal every scene they're in
during Brave. Although they have comparatively short screen time
compared to Merida, they manage to steal a laugh from the entire room.
Especially when they turn into three of the cutest and cuddliest black
grizzly bears alive. If there ever is a sequel to Brave (I doubt that
will happen, even though Pixar have been turning to sequels for ideas
recently) they need to have more screen time, as these three gems made
bigger laughs than the rest of the characters combined.
16. Crush - Finding Nemo.
supporting character who stole the show. (Notice how none of my top 20
so far have been major characters). Crush only has one scene (although
it's a biggie) but together him and Squirt totally steal it.
Their utterly hilarious take on Marlin's situation is the second
funniest thing to come out of the film. Their now famous fin/noggin
greeting is brilliant, so much so that me and a friend now do it every
time we meet.
15. Squishy - Monsters University.

He is just amazing. If you haven't seen it yet, Squishy makes you laugh. A lot. Partly due to his hilarious design (he's effectively a rubbery gelatin) and partly due to his great voice, provided by Peter Sohn. He provides many laughs and instantly warms your heart, with simply his smile, abundance of eyes and that stupid tuft of hair.
Squishy may not be scary, but he's got heart.
Squishy may not be scary, but he's got heart.
14. Slim - A Bug's Life.
another Hamm/Mr Potato Head. Slim's sarcasm is hilarious on it's own.
However, when it's teemed with Francis' aggression and Heimlich's
gluttony and utter cluelessness, it becomes a class act. The mere
mention of the scene were Francis loses him in the tree makes me laugh
my head off. "Francis! Help! I'm the only stick with EYEBALLS!" The
scene backstage with PT Flea was also brilliant. Naturally, he finds
some pleasure in scaring of the grasshoppers, with jelly. Brilliant.
Truthfully, for me, Slim is one of the characters that makes A Bug's
Life one of the best.
13. Roz - Monster's Inc.
be watching you Wazowski, always watching. Always." LIMITED SCREEN
TIME. Pixar if your reading this, some of your best characters are minor
characters. This list is mainly compromised of them! Give them more!
Roz's lack of emotion and steely gaze really makes her scenes some of
the best. Billy Crystal's Mike Wazowki really complements her, in a
bizarre, but hilarious way.
12. Bonnie's toys - Toy Story 3.
may not be one character, but Bonnie's toys won me over during Toy
Story 3 and the latter short film Hawaiian vacation. In particular
Chuckles, Buttercup and Mr Pricklepants. Chuckles' disgruntled
expression and deep gravelly voice is what gives him his laughs.
Buttercup appears to be a lovely, fluffy unicorn, with an accent and
personality that doesn't match! Mr Pricklepants is the resident
thespian, who steals every scene he's in. These toy's provide hilarious
results when mixed together.

How could this guy not make my list? He won us over within seconds of meeting him. Although he seems crabby and slightly rude at first, we soon discover he is a hilarious romantic, who always manages to see comedy in any situation. "Youuuuu and meeee, both of us togetherrrrr!" His relationship with Boo is critical to the film, especially when he tries to make her laugh, with painful consequences! Note that Mike is the first major character to appear on this list.

Some would say these three little guys are the true heroes of the final Toy Story movie. "The claw!" Is one of their very few lines within the trilogy, along with "You saved our lives and we are eternally grateful." If Buzz and the gang didn't get in the Pizza Planet truck to chase Al in Toy Story 2, we wouldn't have these little guys. More importantly, we wouldn't have any of the toys, because they would've met their deaths in the dump. Yet again, characters that should be given more screen time.
9. Rex - Toy Story, Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3.
A terrifying dinosaur! Not really, instead we meet a lovable, yet
somewhat annoying, green dinosaur. His over sized body makes him clumsy,
but his undersized arms give him constant problems. 'The Dinosaur that
eats Force Field Dogs' is undoubtedly one of my favourite characters in
the Toy Story trilogy. In fact, he's the last character from Toy Story
to appear on this list, so I suppose that does make him my favourite.
Along with the rest of the toys, he enjoys new friendship at the end of
the trilogy, especially with fellow dinosaur Trixie. Happily ever after.
8. Tuck and Roll - A Bug's Life.
8. Tuck and Roll - A Bug's Life.
second best characters to come out of A Bug's Life. If only they had
more time on screen! Although, much like other characters on this list,
they provide some of the biggest laughs out of the whole film! In
particular, their performance in front of Hopper. When they get into a
little squabble, as they do multiple times during the film, my sides
split and split and split! Their lack of dialogue is part of their
genius. They are the best characters in A Bug's Life, bar one, truly
brilliant bug.
7. Heimlich - A Bug's Life
This immense German caterpillar steals the whole film. His gluttony is something to behold. But his highlight is at the end of the film, where he transforms into, (his words, not mine) 'a beautiful butterfly!' He also makes a cameo in the actual film, Toy Story 2. He is seen crawling up the branches before Buzz chops them away. "Francis, don't listen to them, they have poo poo hands!" What other character could come up with such genius as that? Quite literally one of my favourite quotes ever. The late Joe Ranft brings him to life expertly. A Bug's Life wouldn't be the same without him.
7. Heimlich - A Bug's Life
This immense German caterpillar steals the whole film. His gluttony is something to behold. But his highlight is at the end of the film, where he transforms into, (his words, not mine) 'a beautiful butterfly!' He also makes a cameo in the actual film, Toy Story 2. He is seen crawling up the branches before Buzz chops them away. "Francis, don't listen to them, they have poo poo hands!" What other character could come up with such genius as that? Quite literally one of my favourite quotes ever. The late Joe Ranft brings him to life expertly. A Bug's Life wouldn't be the same without him.
6. Wall-E - Wall-E.
This little guy conveys more emotion in literally 2 words than any actor on the planet. The first 30 minutes of his film has virtually no dialogue, which is part of Wall-E's brilliance. His relationship with EVE (or Eva) is truly marvellous and one of the best relationships in Hollywood. Wall-e's golden moment comes when he discovers a fire extinguisher. Those few minutes being hurtled around space are genius, which is nothing less than what we'd expect from the creative experts at Pixar. As a lot of people have now said, Pixar characters are outperforming real actors and will do for years to come. No one is a better example than this little guy.
5. Guido - Cars and Cars 2.
Another character who manages to steal every scene their in, with so few words. This little guy is fantastic. Along with Luigi, they live a merry and peaceful life, oblivious to the outside world. They retain that in Cars 2, were they return to Italy and see MORE FERRARIS! Even better than that, is the moment when he triumphs over Chick Hicks' pit team and changes McQueen's tires within seconds. "Pitstop".

4. Edna 'E' - The Incredibles.
find him. Fight! WIN! Brilliantly voiced by The Incredibles director
Brad Bird and excellently animated, although she only has 2 full scenes, Edna Mode
leaves a lasting impact on anyone who watches the film. Her no nonsense
attitude is absolutely hilarious. Crucially, she forces Helen to go and
find Bob, so if it wasn't for her Mr Incredible would probably be dead.
And without Mr Incredible, Syndrome would've succeeded on his mission.
So this feisty little woman, is critical to the story.

3. Dory - Finding Nemo.

3. Dory - Finding Nemo.
list is complete without Dory. She made Finding Nemo (even though it
was already a great story, with decent characters, shout out to the
likes of Bubbles and Bloat) what it is. The best animated film, of all
time. "Just keep swimming" That phrase is permanently implanted in the
brain of anyone who has watched Finding Nemo, along with 'P Sherman, 42
Wallaby Way, Sydney". Naturally, her bouncy personality and
forgetfulness was annoying at first, but the instant you warmed to her
(usually during the 'fish are friends not food' guilt meeting) you feel
in love, with the natural blue.
2. Russel - Up.
2. Russel - Up.
chubby little hero is one of the 2 characters that I rarely go a day
without quoting (him and number 1 down there). "Good afternoon. My name
is Russell." His lisp and lack of chin is adorable, as well as his
Wilderness explorer outfit and pure determination. Him, Carl, Doug and
Kevin create the most bizarre team of heroes ever to grace a cinema
screen. But this bizarre group captures the hearts of every single
person who watches them.
1. Dug - Up.
1. Dug - Up.
"My name is Dug. I have just met you, and I love you!" This
furry little bundle of fun is in my opinion the best Pixar character of
all time. "Oh a ball! I would love the ball!" Many people have wished
to know what their dogs think. Pixar have come as close as you can get
with Dug. He speaks so directly and so creatively, that you know Pixar
have done it again. The exception with this top 3 is they have the
screen time the majority of my top 20 don't have. Bob Peterson is a
genius for creating and voicing this character. What a gem Pixar. What a
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